Take your CORE training to the next level with these 5 Must-Do Isometric Advanced Plank Exercises performed by 2x Olympia IFBB Pro Marcia Goncalves.

Here are the 5 Must-Do Isometric Advanced Plank Exercises For a STRONG CORE:
1)    Single Arm High Plank
2)    High Bird Dog Plank
3)    Single Arm Low Plank
4)    Starfish
5)    High Side Plank (top leg on bench)
Use these 5 Must -Do Isometric Plank Exercises moves in your core workout – perform each plank for 30-45 seconds based on your level of fitness. 3 sets of each plank for this amount of time will do the trick.


If you want to radically transform your midsection you need to watch this video!

Don’t Train Your Abs, Train Your Core!
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